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LaRae Music Academy Policies

S E M E S T E R   S C H E D U L E


LaRae Music Academy LLC breaks the year of lessons into three categories: Fall, Spring and Summer.

Fall Semester:

Middle of August  - Middle of December

Spring Semester:

Beginning of January  - End of May


Beginning of June - Middle of August

The number of lessons per semester will change according to the holiday schedules and the day of the student’s lesson. LaRae Music Academy LLC requires a minimum of 6 lessons through the summer semester, to be scheduled around the vacations of the student and teacher, in order to have a spot reserved for the fall semester.


F E E   S T R U C T U R E

Checks should be made payable to LaRae Music Academy LLC. Any books that have been purchased on behalf of the student by LaRae Music Academy LLC will be added on to the monthly invoice, with the appropriate sales tax included. LaRae Music Academy LLC will charge a $25 service fee for any non-sufficient funds checks received.


LaRae Music Academy LLC offers three payment options:

  1. -Full Payment: Students/Parents will have the option of making a one time payment for the entire semester of lessons. One invoice at the beginning of each semester will be sent including the entire semester tuition.

  2. -Two-Payment Option: Students/parents will receive two invoices, one at the beginning of the semester and one in the middle, each containing half of the semester tuition.

  3. -Monthly Payments:Bills will be sent out via email the first week of the month for the entire month of lessons. Payment is expected before the 10th of every month. If we receive late payments there will be a $10 late fee applied to the invoice. 


L E S S O N   C A N C E L L A T I O N

LaRae Music Academy LLC recommends weekly lessons for every student they provide music education. It is essential for students and parents to be committed to classes in order for the student to be achieve the highest potential level on their instrument.

Under certain circumstances LaRae Music Academy LLC understands that lessons may need to be missed. However, we require a 24 hour notice of missed lessons and will provide make up lessons at the discretion and availability of the teacher. If less notice is given, provision of a makeup lesson will be done only with an acceptable excuse from the client (e.g. medical emergency or illness).  Makeup lessons are limited to two in any given semester. No refunds for missed lessons will be issued.  For lessons at the home of the student, makeup lessons will be offered for the student to travel to the studio or the missed lesson time will be added on to future lessons. For lessons in the studio the individual teacher will arrange a make up time with the student or the student may contact another student to trade time slots. Notice of any traded time must be given to the teacher 24 hours before the scheduled lesson.



Because of the limited availability of our teachers, we ask that all students make a one semester commitment to lessons. Any student wishing to discontinue classes in the middle of the Fall or Spring semesters will be charged a fee of $150.


P R A C T I C E   R E Q U I R E M E N T S 

LaRae Music Academy LLC teachers recommend that the student practice a minimum of 30 minutes, five times a week. This amount will vary depending on the level and age of the student and will be clearly stated to the student at his/her individual lessons. LaRae Music Academy expects parents of students to be actively involved in the practice habits of their children.


L E S S O N   B E H A V I O R

LaRae  Music  Academy  LLC  requires  students to be respectful to teachers at all times and address teachers by their titles (e.g. Mrs. Jones). It is recommended that parents be present during the lessons.


T I M E S   A N D   M E T H O D S   O F   C O N T A C T I N G     T E A C H E R S

LaRae Music Academy LLC provides three ways to contact individual teachers: phone, text, and email. It is requested that teachers be contacted by phone or text message only within the hours of 8:00am - 7pm. Students and parents may feel free to email the teacher 24 hours a day.


R E C I T A L   A N D   E V E N T S

LaRae  Music  Academy  LLC  organizes  one  formal  recital  at the end of every semester. Additional performance opportunities will be offered throughout the semester to students at the discretion of the teacher.


R E F E R R A L   I N C E N T I V E

LaRae Music Academy LLC will offer  a  $25  referral  incentive  to  current registered students for every new student that is referred and  that  registers  in  LaRae  Music  Academy LLC. The referral incentive of $25 will be deducted from the next invoice received by LaRae Music Academy LLC.

Policies: Student Life
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