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Music Theory Level 7

315 US dollars
Online Session

Service Description

Pre-requisite of Level 6 or successful completion of placement exam All concepts explained below in addition to those covered in all previous levels. Transpose a melody line up or down by any interval to any key. Understand double dotted notes and rests and irregular groupings (duplets, triplets, quadruplets, quintuplets, sextuplets, and septuplets). Study all intervals and their inversions within an octave including enharmonic equivalents. Learn chromatic, whole-tone, octatonic, major pentatonic, minor pentatonic and blues scales starting on any pitch. Study diminished and augmented triads, root position and inversions, triads built on any scale degree, leading-tone diminished 7th chords, root position only, and dominant 7th chords root position and inversions. Identify authentic and half cadences in keyboard style and implied harmony of a melody line using functional and lead sheet analysis, maintaining harmonic rhythm of one chord per measure. Gain knowledge of musical terms and signs. Compose 8 measure melody lines, using passing tones and neighbor tones with tonic, subdominant and dominant chords in both major and minor keys, using parallel and contrasting periods. Study real music examples containing all aspects of this level and the previous levels. Study the Romantic and Modern eras with emphasis on Overature to a Midsummer Night’s Dream s Dream by Felix Mendelssohn, Etude in C Minor, Op. 10, No. 12 by Felix Mendelssohn, Etude in C Minor, Op. 10, No. 12 by Frédéric Chopin, Petrushka by Igor Stravinsky, Dripsody by Hugh LeCaine, and Ko-Ko by Duke Ellington. Required textbook: Celebrate Theory Level 7 ISBN 978-1-55440-810-8

Contact Details

561 755-7206

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